Drill #1 1. Go into Bridge 2. Right Foot up (point toes) 3. Kick Right Foot up and down about 10 times 4. Switch Legs (Left Foot up) 5. Kick Left Foot p and down about 10 times Drill #2 1. Perform Front Lumber (Lunge kick into handstand in fall into bridge w/Right Foot up point toes) 2. Hold for 10sec. Set of 10. Drill #3 1. Front Walk Over onto Spotting Block (Raised Surface. *you will perform your FWO, right leg will land on raised surface and you will stand up w/arms up by ear. Drill #4 1. Using a panel mat. Place your front leg on on mat. Lunge position 2. Kick over to do your FWO Drill #5 Use a Wall 1. Face away from wall. Arms up. 2. Reach back to touch wall 3. Walk your hands about 3 hand steps down roll. 4. Pick Right or left foot off the ground 5. With arms pulls the wall 6. With hips first-then arms stand up 7. Stand keeping Right or Left foot up 8. Repeat 10times.
We teach members the fundamentals of cheer, dance and tumbling. The goal of our program is to help each athlete reach their highest potential, to provide proper skills and techniques and to encourage and supportive each athlete in the growing process. We take great pride in all our athletes and believe our program serves a higher purpose