1. Go into Bridge
2. Right Foot up (point toes)
3. Kick Right Foot up and down about 10 times
4. Switch Legs (Left Foot up) 5. Kick Left Foot p and down about 10 times
Drill #2
1. Perform Front Lumber (Lunge kick into handstand in fall into bridge w/Right Foot up point toes)
2. Hold for 10sec. Set of 10.
Drill #3
1. Front Walk Over onto Spotting Block (Raised Surface.
*you will perform your FWO, right leg will land on raised surface and you will stand up w/arms up by ear.
Drill #4
1. Using a panel mat. Place your front leg on on mat. Lunge position
2. Kick over to do your FWO
Drill #5
Use a Wall
1. Face away from wall. Arms up.
2. Reach back to touch wall
3. Walk your hands about 3 hand steps down roll.
4. Pick Right or left foot off the ground
5. With arms pulls the wall
6. With hips first-then arms stand up
7. Stand keeping Right or Left foot up
8. Repeat 10times.
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