Do you want your child to learn responsibility, hard work, helping others, good
manners, independence, creativity, empathy for others, tolerance, persistence,
friendship, and how to have a healthy lifestyle and be successful.
If the answer is YES, YoYo ElastiCheer and Coach Yolanda are now offering your child the opportunity to join the team.
YEC is a Cheerleading program located in Van Nuys
that offers completive and non-competitive Cheerleading and tumbling to ages 5 to 18.
Coach Yolanda Travis has for over 20 years gained experience from being a
Cheerleader, years as a coach and instructor for the City of Los Angeles and different
cheer teams. Her goal is exactly to give your students these skills and more.
To reach this goal YEC is now affiliated with the former President of the European
Cheerleading Association, Founder NRC Tigers (one of the most winning
cheerleading teams in Europe), National Champion and Master in Sports Science
Paul Fuglevouge.
For more info please visit us online at or call 818-573-0134
I always knew I was unique and different. In an amazing and cool way. I have and set high expectations for myself and for others. At times I have my ways but I am very passionate about what I invest my time in or who I invest in. Dedicated to my passion and dreams. Never stop wanting more and wanting to improve. The more I receive the more I want to share. I am me. At times I don't give my self the full credit for my greatest and somethings get so caught up in doubt and questioning the way. I always feel I can do better and at times I do compare me to the many bodies that surround me. And that is why I say I am me, no more. I am who I am and will always be me. No more comparing to others. No more getting off track. I am here. Here to learn and grow. Take a moment to see that where I am today is a step to my door way to get to tomorrow and to my finale. I accept where I am but never stay too long and try not to rush, for this is the time to learn, so enjoy the process. I am very ...
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