Drill #1: Bridge to Wall
1. Find a Wall (Please make sure it's safe)- Your back should be on the wall
2. Lay on the floor with head near wall-hand by your side and feet straight.
3. Place arms my shoulder-elbows facing up and finger touching your shoulder.
4. Bend knees in (tuck position).
5. Push up into bridge using arms and legs.
6. Now press your chest into wall.
7. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times.
Drill #2: Bridge to wall and Walking hands
1. Repeat Drill #1 up to number 5.
2. Walk hands up the wall.
3. Stand straight up. Make sure your arms go straight up
*Squeeze your ears
*Keep your eyes on your hands
*Press hips forward when you are ready to stand
4. Repeat 5 times
Drill #3:
1. Stand with back to wall. 2. Reach back to touch wall. 3. Start walking your hands down the wall till you are in a bridge with hands on the floor. 4. Press chest into wall hold 10 seconds. 5. Repeat Drill #2 6. Repeat 5 times
Drill #4
1. If you have panel mats-stack two on onto one another if not find a raised surface you can use-
you can use the sofa or your bed-be created but safe.
2. Lumber (Bend) Back to touch mat or surface. Meaning your back is facing the raised surface or mat.
*make sure you are squeeze ears and keep an eye on your hands as you bend back.
3. Touch mat or surface
4. Then try to stand back up (eyes on hands and do duck your chin -keep head in neutral position)
5. Repeat 5 times or more
6. Lower the surface and repeat 5 time or if you are ready and continue to lower the surface til you able to peform this Drill
from floor.
Things to watch out for: *When you are in a Bridge fingers face your toes.
*Your shoulders should be over your hands-wrist
*Head should be neutral position
*Arms should be squeeze your ears
*When walking your hands down and up the wall take your time-it's not a race. Don't lose technique to rushing. Take your time to prefect the
Some mistake that you want to void
*When standing from bridge try not to push hands out to side but up and over.
*Make sure your stretch your back out really well so you don't hurt your back.
Have someone watch you to see if you are doing the drills correct ok : ) Don't be afraid to ask.
Stay positive you can do this-it's EASY.
YoYo ElastiCheer
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