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ElastiCheer Flex Drills-Improving Flexibility Phase I

ElastiCheer Flex Drills-Improving Flexibility Phase I

Step by Step (You can do this-it's a challenge but you got this)

Standing Straddle Stretch

1. Stand in straddle position (legs shoulder width apart)

2. Arms up in high position (Touch Down Cheerleaders)-squeeze your ears.

3. Pivot upper body to right and reach down to touch your toe (don't be lazy reach reach without over pulling)-make sure your legs stay straight. Hold 10 Seconds. Then grab ankle, take a deep break and as exhale (blow out) pull your head closer to your knee.

4. Stand up Pivot to center then Pivot to Left (using upper body reaching high up to ceiling). Touch your Left Toe or floor close to toe . Get nose as close to your knee as possible. Hold 10 Seconds. Then grab ankle, take a deep break and as exhale (blow out) pull your head closer to your knee.

5. Stand up Pivot to Center (same thing keep the arms up-even though you are stretching -good technique is important).

6. Palms up to the ceiling, fingers facing out, Bend at your waist and touch the floor-right between your straddle. The goal is to reach back that your thumbs are line with your heel if you can reach further go for it. Hold for 10 seconds take deep breath and as you exhale try to reach further and hold 10 sec.

7. Stand up to wide position with arms up (straddle position w/arms up high)

Sitting Straddle Stretch

Start Position & Key Techniques.

*Have a sit and go to straddle position. Feet are apart. As for your knees they should always be facing up or backwards (cheerleaders shoe lace face backwards). Toes should always be in a point. Point with your foot (try to get the bottom of your foot to touch the floor). You can achieve this by rotating heel forward.

*You want to sit up nice and tall. Your back should be straight. Place your arms up to high position (arms up by ears squeezing. Squeezing belly button to spin. Feel this position. Yes it's more work but it will pay off you will see. Now we can start.

1. Pivot to the right, reach for right ankle, toes or floor (everyone's level of flexibility may be different). Hold 10 Seconds.

2. Sit up (you should still be facing the right & arms are up by ears).

3. Pivot to Center, Pivot to left, reach for right ankle, toes or floor. Hold 10 Seconds.

4. Sit up (you should still be facing the left and arms are up by ears).

5. Pivot to Center, reach in front of you and try to get your chest as close to the floor as you can. Hold 10 Seconds. Take a deep breath and as you exhale reach further and hold for 10 seconds.

6. Sit up (arms up), then place arms in middle position (T Motion Cheerleaders), turn your head to right or left, lower chest to floor, place hands on ankles and hold for 10 Seconds.

7. Sit up (arms up)

Pike Stretch Sitting/Stand

1. You be in a pike position sitting. Bottom legs are extended in front of our (ankles together). You reach up nice in tall. Bend at waist to touch toes (toes are in a point).Hold 10 seconds.

2. Stand up to straight position or clean with arms up high (feet together). Reach down and touch the floor, ankle or toes. Hold for 10 seconds. Then grab your ankles, take a deep breath and as you exhale pull your head-chest closer to your legs. Hold 10 Secs.


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