Tryout are May 01, 2016 from 2PM to 4PM and May 29 (TBA)
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I always knew I was unique and different. In an amazing and cool way. I have and set high expectations for myself and for others. At times I have my ways but I am very passionate about what I invest my time in or who I invest in. Dedicated to my passion and dreams. Never stop wanting more and wanting to improve. The more I receive the more I want to share. I am me. At times I don't give my self the full credit for my greatest and somethings get so caught up in doubt and questioning the way. I always feel I can do better and at times I do compare me to the many bodies that surround me. And that is why I say I am me, no more. I am who I am and will always be me. No more comparing to others. No more getting off track. I am here. Here to learn and grow. Take a moment to see that where I am today is a step to my door way to get to tomorrow and to my finale. I accept where I am but never stay too long and try not to rush, for this is the time to learn, so enjoy the process. I am very ...
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